from the cascades of fontaine

|| general information ||
name: theodore fontaine
nicknames: theo, thi, lil' fishy, blondie, little pearl (cyan), tsunami baby, sparkling water (hayi), mein engel (hyunwoo), merbabe (ollie)
age: 212
birthday: may 29th, 1812
zodiac: gemini
chinese zodiac: monkey
birthplace: fontaine, a kingdom in the north blue
blood type: a
species: nereid
status: unowned/unprotected
|| physical appearance ||
tail: white main tail, small slivers and splotches of black; akin to a shiro bekko koi pattern
scales: typical to their pattern his tail, however they have an iridescent silver shimmer in the light
hair: blonde, long, wavy
eyes: green
piercings: three left helix, one left lobe, one right helix, three right lobe
scars: along his legs, spots of missing scales on his tail
height: 165-167cm | 5’4” - 5’6”
|| personality traits ||
mbti: infp
- having his hair braided and beaded
- he enjoys reading anything he can get his hands on
- he likes to explore the human world, living as a human amuses his curiosities
- impromptu shifting back, it's quite the mood dampener (ha, get it? dampener?)
- humans, masters, anyone who believes they have control over anyone simply because that person is different
- being human for too long -- his skin gets dry and he thirsts and aches for water after a while
sexuality: demiromantic, pansexual
kinks: he has never mated with another nereid before, despite his age, nor any other being -- thus those are to be later found out
turn offs: these are also to be found later, however for sure, no scat/piss/vomit play
safe word: (for later use) sand dollar


trigger warnings: mentions of knives & torture by nereid poachers, not overly graphicly detailed, enough to get the picture, you have been warnedSwim.if you cant swim away fast enough, get to land and crawl til you can run.if you cant do either, you fight.these were the customs that the kingdom of fontaine taught it's young. from the small pups, to full grown adults, they were constantly ran through with drills for what to do incase of an attack from humans.humans.. they used to be a kind that would peak theodore's interest. they would be fun to watch from the horizon as they played on the beaches outside of the kingdom. they were filial, simple minded creatures, at least that's what theodore believed. he'd heard the stories, how they'd poach any nereid they got their hands on to the bare bones -- the kingdom had a scary story they'd tell misbehaving pups that if humans found out they'd be causing mischief they'd come and make them into a wasn't until he had left the kingdom's protection, it was like any other day. he had ventured out there before, there was nothing different about what he had done -- that was, until he heard the harsh shrieking of a human in the water before a loud splash followed.theodore whipped his head around, seeing flailing in the water and immediately he knew the human couldn't swim. he immediately ducked under the surface, swimming over to his aid. he had asked himself a billion times: what the hell was he thinking? helping a human? after all they did to his kind? still, he had pulled the seemingly unconscious man to the surface and swam him to a secluded part in the shore.he had laid beside the human, breathing in the fresh air now that he was fully on land, aghast with his own actions. He didn't know how to go from here, how to resuscitate him, get the water to his lungs, humans couldn't breathe underwater right? while he was thinking over his options, that's when he felt it. The cool steel of a blade pressed against his throat.he'd been had. it was all a ploy, a trap, this wasn't a drowning human, this was a calculated poacher who had just ensnared another poor nereid. he wasn't alone -- a ship soon appeared from the horizon, and he was dragged onto the deck like a bag of rubbish.from there, they took their time. they carved off a layer of his scales, cut his long waist length hair down to the neck, beat him, left cuts along his legs, which before then he didn't even know he had, then threw him in their undercabin until they could figure out what to do with him next. he was broken, a shell of the happy nereid he used to be. why wouldn't he listen? why did he have to get involved with the humans? 15 days he withstood this torture. 15 days he was poked, prodded, skinned and cut, beat and night he could hear them discussing, hear them talking about how they'd cook him alive to see if the rumors about immortality were true, but that they'd need to make him cry first in order to get some of those 'mermaid tears' as they called it. how it would be easy for them as long as they cut enough chunks of his flesh and meat from his legs. Apparently rumor had it something as so small as tears held a heavy price out there in the world -- not because you couldn't easily catch a nereid, but because they didn't cry easily.that's when he knew if he didn't escape, he would die. he was starved, tired, beaten, bruised and bloodied. he had mustered all of the strength in his being, almost like a shot of energy out of nowhere, and he commanded the tide. he made the ship rock like stormy seas, while there wasn't a cloud in the sky that he remembered.eventually the waves and tides were too strong, and it fully flipped the ship. before long they were immersed in water, and while his captors were all panicking, drowning all the like, he was swimming to safety through one of the busted portholes. he was never one for revenge, though it was fulfilling to see the man who he saved truly drown, along with his crew with it. those who survived were left stranded atop the ship's overturned underside. his body was damaged, as was his mental state, but he was free. he swam far, far away, diving deep if he saw any ships -- that was the last time he'd ever help a human.he eventually came onto land -- a developing island, and a big one -- one with big buildings and people in funny clothes -- humans needed to wear clothes didn't they? he'd found some abandoned swim trunks in the water and crawled up again on a visually obscured bank to dry. when regaining his legs, he had put the offending clothing on and tried not to cry when he saw what the damage had been to his human legs. they'd scar for sure, but it wasn't worth his tears.from then on he made a promise to himself. he would never let another poacher or hunter capture him again. he would hide out on the surface world, only venturing into the water when absolutely necessary -- completely unbeknownst to what was truly happening above..


wanted connections:

BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER 0/1nereid species, any gender; a sibling of theo's has fled their pod, fled their kingdom. they reconnect and try their best to navigate this world together.
CHAINS OF PERMANENCE 0/1any species, any gender; the master that chooses to buy theo from sunday's auction -- the one who keeps him by his side permanently.
FRIENDS ON THE OTHER SIDE 2/2any species, any gender; a friend, someone like him, someone who understands what it's like being at the bottom -- a friend from the surface world.
ART OF EXPLORATION 0/2any species, any gender; someone who takes theo on a surface exploration, he never travels far from the water, so doing something 'human-like' to blend in and explore the city of seoul
LETS GO FOR A SWIM 0/2preferably nereid, any gender; another friend to go on swims with in the ocean waters